Archives for November 2023
Advocating for Aging Parents
As the caregiver of an aging parent, there’s no doubt you are giving them all the love, patience, and comfort they need, but seeing to the business side of caring for them can be more challenging. Managing the legal, financial, and health-related issues can be an overwhelming responsibility. At Blue Water Homecare, we help take […]
Parkinson’s Disease: When is the right time for hospice care?
It is estimated that more than one million people in the United States are currently living with Parksinon’s disease. Parkinson’s is typically a slow-progressing neurological condition that weakens one’s movement, balance and coordination and causes uncontrollable tremors and shaking. Upon final stages of the disease, all ability to move may cease, and it might be […]
Hospice Care for Families Affected by Dementia and Alzheimer’s
An estimated six million Americans who are 65 years or older are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common form of dementia or memory loss. With the number of dementia patients expected to increase rapidly by the year 2050, the number entering hospice care is also predicted to rise. In recent years, about 21 […]