If summer affords you a slower schedule and extra time to visit with your aging parents, then now is the time to initiate some important conversation with them.
At Blue Water Homecare, we have extensive experience in guiding families through a variety of transitions with elderly loved ones by offering expert in-home, dementia, and Parkinson’s Disease care as well as hospice services and bereavement support.
Some of the standard questions that our team of caregivers encourages families to ask parents as they retire and begin to face more physical and mental challenges that come with aging are:
How is your physical health and what medications are you currently taking?
Make sure that they are staying on top of regularly scheduled doctor’s appointments and taking time to see specialists if needed. Make sure that you know who their doctors are and how to contact them in an emergency. Also ask about their daily medications and if they are taking them properly or if they are having trouble getting to and from the pharmacy for refills. Spend a moment browsing through their medicine cabinet too and ensure that none of their prescriptions have expired.
How is your mental health and memory?
Have you noticed if they are having trouble remembering things or that their housekeeping is out of order? Or do they like to keep their brains busy by reading or doing word or number games to stay sharp? More than 6 million Americans over the age of 65 years old are living with dementia, a common form of memory loss. The sooner you notice that they may have significant signs of memory loss, the more opportunity you’ll have to seek help for their safety and well-being.
Additionally, ask if they are lonely. Perhaps they like the quieter life of retirement without work commitments, but if they are missing the social interaction with others, encourage them to seek company elsewhere in their community or stay in touch with people by phone or online.
Are you still driving yourself?
Driving is the ultimate form of independence, and many seniors are reluctant to give it up. Take a look at your parents’ cars and make sure there are no serious dents or scratches, and ask if they’ve had any recent tickets or traffic violations. Consider their vision health and whether or not they should be driving at night. If you or another trusted family member or friend is unable to drive them around for errands or appointments, Blue Water can provide safe automobile escorts through our at-home care services.
Are your financial and legal affairs in order?
This may be the hardest question of all to ask, but it’s one of the most important. Review their finances with them and check that their bills are being paid on time, they are receiving Social Security checks or other retirement benefits, and that their wills are updated with medical directives and powers of attorney in the event of an emergency.
How do you feel about your current living situation?
Are your parents still enjoying being in their own home, or are things like stairs and yardwork becoming too cumbersome? Maybe they would like some additional help around the house, or they are ready to downsize, especially if a spouse or partner has recently passed. Some seniors are wanting and willing to move to a more safe and secure assisted living type facility where they are looked after, or others may express wanting to live with you when the time comes. Make sure that you are aware of their wishes, and you are on the same page, before the time that a move becomes necessary.
Contact Blue Water Today for Your Free Consultation
Let Blue Water Homecare help you and your loved ones create a unique and personalized plan for aging safely, and comfortably, in place or in a facility. Contact us today for a free at-home visit and assessment. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.