Could Your Loved One Benefit from Home Care? Could Your Loved One Benefit from Home Care?Answer the following 7 questions to find out whether you may benefit from homecare.Answer the following 7 questions to find out whether you may benefit from homecare.What's your loved one’s current living situation? They live with someone They live alone None How good is their memory? They are fully aware, recognize people and surroundings, and know dates and times They sometimes have difficulties remembering names, dates and times They often don't recognize familiar faces, or places and have trouble remembering recent occurrences None How well can your loved one move around their home? They can move independently They require some assistance with personal hygiene, stairs, getting in and out of the car, etc They require hands-on assistance for most daily activities None How independent is your loved one with personal hygiene? They independently bathe and use the toilet They sometimes need assistance They always need assistance with bathroom use None How often do they experience falls? Never, rarely Occasionally - They get up on their own Occasionally - They require assistance getting up Often - They require assistance getting up None How often do they experience injuries? Never, rarely Occasionally - They get minor bumps or scrapes Often - They frequently need medical attention None Has your loved one talked with you about getting some help around the house? No, but I feel they could benefit Yes, but they don’t think they need it yet Yes, and they are open to the idea of having more support None Time's up