
Thank you for your assistance with my Mom. Her caregiver is amazing and Dad said he finally got some much-needed rest.
The care my husband and I are getting From Blue Water caregivers is life-saving — and I truly mean it. We’ve gotten to know a number of your caregivers and they’re very skilled and kind.
I would like to thank you for helping put together such an amazing group of women, who care for me and my needs and my dog!
My helper comes to me as if I am her ONLY job and her primary concern. (My dog loves her!)
I want to express my sincere appreciation to you and your staff. You work very hard to accommodate my needs and are quick to address my concerns and so patient with me.
I have had bad experiences with other agencies, but not yours.
I have been very impressed by Blue Water Services when my parents were in Georgetown.
My care worker starts my mornings off with a smile and energy and enthusiasm that is contagious and keeps me going all day.
Your staff are definitely self-starters and quick to offer help in all areas.
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My evening caregiver is a self-starter and often helps with my evening meal, always with a smile.
Talking about a calm demeanor, our caregiver is an absolute joy to have overnight! She is a lovely young lady and since I’m such a “night owl” we actually have more interaction than most ” normal” people who go to bed at a decent hour!
She has helped me with my picture board project, sending emails, and a number of unusual tasks from her normal duties!
She is always very professional but has a warmth & calming nature that I enjoy.
Since I’m such a late-night person, we are getting to know each other very well. Last night/this morning, she and I were making cookies at 2:00 am! She is ready and enthusiastic about anything I throw out there.
Compassionate caring…Best care ever.
Thank you again for everything you’ve done for Jackie and l. I can’t imagine what these last months would have been like if I had never picked up the phone and placed that first call to Blue Water Homecare.
You make light of things like coming to the house late at night and then returning early in the morning but I know you went above and beyond to take care of us. I will never forget everything you did. Thank you For the prayers. We need them and appreciate them more than I can say.

CONTACT US for a free in-home assessment or a consultation. Let us introduce your family to the Blue Water family and show you how your loved one can continue to live life at home.